by Gary Howey | Jun 17, 2024 | "Of the Outdoors" Columns, Gary’s Thoughts from the Field, Northeastern South Dakota, South Dakota, Terry Redlin Art Center-SD, Terry Redlin-Wildlife artist Deceased, Watertown, S D
Growing up in Watertown, S.D., at that time the state was known as the Land of infinite variety, which it really was, with so many things to do, we weren’t ever bored, with the outdoors, offering numerous activities in the outdoors. When a town is named...
by Gary Howey | Dec 16, 2023 | Fishing line, Uncategorized
This year’s ice fishing is off to a slow start, because of the warm weather. A few years back Team Outdoorsmen Productions team member Cory Ewing, Waubay Guide Service with several of the nice perch taken from the Glacial Lakes of South Dakota. Those of us...
by Gary Howey | Jan 1, 2023 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Ice fishing has really changed over the years, when the author ice fished with his daughter, Mieke (Howey) Slaba, a teacher from Wagner. SD. The art of hard water fishing has come a long way, since my brother AJ and got into the sport, back then, you had to be one...
by Gary Howey | Sep 21, 2022 | "Of the Outdoors" Columns
Pheasant numbers may be down, but it will not stop die-hard pheasant hunters from hitting the field opening day. Over the last several years, due to the disappearance of our habitat, our pheasant hunting in northeast Nebraska is very minimal not all that long ago,...
by Gary Howey | Sep 7, 2022 | Waterfowl Hunting
As the geese came off Lake Oahe, coming over the bluff, one of our hunters started flagging. I couldn’t believe it as they were so far away, I had trouble seeing them with binoculars, it didn’t take long before the entire flock to turn and come our way. (Contributed...