Unlike other deadly addictions that we hear about all the time, turkey hunting is an addiction bringing you more satisfaction as the caller brings the gobbler.
I remember on my first spring turkey hunt, where I hunted with two friends, in Nebraska, which wasn’t successful.
Turkey hunting can be tough unless you have the right gear, which includes a blind, decoys, calls and camouflage.
Because I knew nothing about using turkey calls. I purchased a several, trying my hardest to sound like a hen turkey.
Since that time, I became an addicted hunter, where I used all of the turkey calls, I could get my hands on.
The easiest one for me to manage, was the box calls with the only thing that could goof you up is moisture causing the chalk on the box to gum up.
Now, my turkey hunting vest is barely large enough to fit the numerous calls, and decoy into it. As I wouldn’t want to be out there, and not have a call that trips the gobbler’s trigger.
My blinds are set up, about fifty yards from their roost tree, and as the sun to begins to make its appearance in the eastern sky, I start out calling quietly using my call imitating the calls of the hens in the tree.
Decoys have always been something I carry with me, as they
give the gobbler something to focus its eyes on and not where the call is coming from.
If the gobbler seems to lose interest, I try to cut the distance between us and the bird.
On one trip, my cameraman and I were calling a gobbler, that had hens with him, where he’d come our way, gobbled a few times, then change direction towards, his harems.
We were set up in a cedar fence line, facing into a harvested bean field.
The only thing we could do was to work our way towards the bird, belly crawling across a picked bean field with no cover what so ever.
My cameraman Josh Anderson had the camera and decoy in front of him, I had the turkey fan, as we hugged the ground, doing our best to not spook the bird.
I’d figured we’d been busted and as the gobbler turned towards the hens.
The gobbler strutted, turned back toward us, I gave the bird a warning putt, causing the gobbler to extend its head, which giving me a perfect shot.