by Gary Howey | Aug 8, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Even though the pheasant opener is still several months away, I am making plans for my first hunt as things have changed sine the close of last years season As any hunter knows, habitat is the key to good pheasant numbers and over the last several...
by Gary Howey | Aug 8, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
If you have ever had the opportunity to tangle with a big catfish, you realize how powerful this fish can be. Catfish, not the prettiest fish, but are plentiful, accommodating, and fun to catch and great eating. They are bottom-hugging creatures,...
by Gary Howey | Aug 2, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Livebait rigging, bottom bouncers and spinners is effective bait anytime of the year and does not take long for an angler to learn and to master them. It is one of those rigs that pretty much fish themselves, where all you need to do is to lower...
by Gary Howey | Jul 27, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
If you spend much time in the outdoors in the Upper Midwest, you know that the wind can kick up quickly and mess up a fishing trip Walleye anglers know the best fishing can occur when there is a chop on the water, when these ripples on the surface...
by Gary Howey | Jul 26, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field, South Dakota Game & Parks
We have been telling you about aquatic invasive species (AIS) all summer and what you can do to slow the spread of these nasty plants and animals. Now how about some simple and sometimes amazing facts about these aquatic invaders? Silver and Bighead Carp These species...