Gary Howey’s Outdoors Blog

Tricks for finicky late season fish by Larry Myhre
Late season ice fishing can be one tough go, as the fish have seen about everything and you'll have to change and go to finesse baits. As the winter wears on, ice fishing will begin to slow. There are, however, some things you can do to spark more action. There’s...

Hard Water Fishing By gary Howey
This year's ice fishing is off to a slow start, because of the warm weather. A few years back Team Outdoorsmen Productions team member Cory Ewing, Waubay Guide Service with several of the nice perch taken from the Glacial Lakes of South Dakota. Those of us who...

Warm Weather means Open Water Fishing By gary Howey
If we have an open winter, there’s going to be a good chance to fish below the Missouri river dams. Team Outdoorsmen Productions member Larry Myhre with a big female he caught and released below Ft. Randal dam. With the unusually warm weather we’re having, in...

The right Rod makes A Big difference! By gary Howey.
Larry Myhre and Gary used Heavy rods & reels when they were fishing on the Red River for channel catfish, with Brad Durick Guide service. The catfish they caught weighed in from 15 to 25 pounds. (Photo by Lary Myhre) When we’re doing seminars and in store...

Toad’s Tricks for Hunting in Standing Corn and Everywhere Else, Hunting in Standing Corn by gary Howey
There was never a better bowhunter than Oti’s “Toad” Smith from Sibley Iowa. His I-Tune videos and his book that I mentioned in this column, will make you a much better archer and fisherman. (Contributed Photo) When it comes to bow hunting, there was no one that...

This 7 X 7 buck was taken a few years back, it was an older buck and after cutting it up, the back straps were soaked overnight in milk and made for some good eating. (Heather Howey Photo) When you’re new to deer hunting, it can seem hard to figure out your first...

Team Outdoorsmen Productions member Marlyn Wiebelhaus with a state record grass carp he took with his bow in the Missouri River near Wynot, NE. (Photo courtesy of Wiebelhaus Guide Service) Bow fishing has changed drastically since I was a kid in Watertown where...

Eight lures you should fish and probably don’t By Larry Myhre
Reprinted from the Sioux City Journal. Every angler is looking for the next hot bait. And when they find it, they buy it. And that is good. However, there are some baits that were hot, are hot today and will be hot tomorrow. So why do we tend to forget them? I...

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