by Gary Howey | Nov 3, 2017 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Whenever a gun is involved in a tragedy, some individuals and groups cry out and push for the banning of all guns more gun laws. There are numerous movies coming out of Hollywood that are about psychotic killers. The actors who argue for more gun laws in...
by Gary Howey | Oct 31, 2017 | THE GAMEKEEPERS OF MOSSY OAK
Many hunters have questions about tree stand placement. Every situation is different and there aren’t any rules where there aren’t exceptions. However, there are some general practices that will help in most situations when placing a tree stand. Play The...
by Gary Howey | Oct 26, 2017 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
For those of us that have been waiting all year for pheasant season, well, it is about here! Reports indicate that the pheasant outlook is not as good as in previous years with those states that have a lot of habitat crowing about their pheasant numbers....
by Gary Howey | Oct 23, 2017 | THE GAMEKEEPERS OF MOSSY OAK
Much of choosing the proper stand site has to do with “structure.” In the same way that an angler finds the “spot on the spot,” the lay of the land and topography differences that restrict or guide movement are keys to stand placement. Whitetail travel from place to...
by Gary Howey | Oct 19, 2017 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Veterans and those serving veterans have always been dear to me as the military tradition runs deep in my family, with my father, brother, uncles and cousins all serving in the military. My father, brother, uncles, cousin and I all served, some...