by Gary Howey | Apr 17, 2019 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
The spring turkey season is here with the bow hunters doing well who were hunting gobblers this past month. Our Nebraska shotgun season opens Saturday the 13th, and with the flood we had in northeast Nebraska, there are numerous roads closed, soft muddy impassable...
by Gary Howey | Mar 28, 2019 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
The Tom turkey, the gobblers are on the run in the spring keeping very busy, strutting, and doing their best to impress the ladies, fighting off other Toms who try to cut into their action and to doing all the other things turkeys do. Before the season opens, this is...
by Gary Howey | May 3, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field, THE GAMEKEEPERS OF MOSSY OAK
Timing is important in so many things we do, from a musical beat to hitting a baseball to timing the stock market. The better you can anticipate the pulse, peak or sweet spot the better you’ll do. This holds true in turkey hunting, possibly more so than when hunting...
by Gary Howey | May 3, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Our calls echoed through the thick cedars, nothing, not a sound, no response, we called again and the Tom which was not very far away gobbled. Then a hen appeared along the brush filled fence line moving east away from us with the gobbler following close...
by Gary Howey | Mar 19, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field, THE GAMEKEEPERS OF MOSSY OAK
Have you ever patterned your shotgun? I mean really put it through the paces with several different manufacturers’ loads and shot sizes to determine what shoots the best through your gun? I can tell you that each gun is a bit different and something is going to...