Gary Howey’s Outdoors
Zebra Mussels Found in Moss Balls at Pet Stores By S.D. Game & Parks
PIERRE, S.D. - Recently, natural resource agencies were notified zebra mussels were present in moss balls (a type of algae sold in association with betas and other aquarium fish) sold at...
Cry Wolf Gary Howey
There hasn’t been a confirmed wolf in Nebraska since 2002, but this critter taken this year in Nebraska certainly looks like one. It is currently being evaluated by the Nebraska Game & Parks and...
The End, 2020 Regular Waterfowl Season Gary Howey
Scenes like these, with Canada geese and other waterfowl setting their wings coming into the decoys was a common sight, a few years ago, but the decrease in many waterfowl numbers along with the...
Light Goose Conservation Season Gary Howey
The snow goose populations has skyrocketed with an estimated 12 million geese destroying their habitat. The Special Spring Conservation Light Goose season, allows hunters like these to help...
Knife Knowledge by Jeff Davis
This Gerber Strongarm fixed blade in Coyote Brown is my new favorite large knife. Heavy enough to chop, sharp enough to cut anything, and still not too big to do fine work, this...
Kids & Fishing A Perfect Combination Gary Howey
Kids have a short attention span, but once they catch a fish, look out, as they’re hooked. Gary’s grandson Braedon Howey hooked this big bluegill the second time he went fishing with his Grandpa...
Fresh Walleye in Wine Sauce
Recipe Courtesy of South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited * One 6-8 oz. Walleye Fillet ...
Getting Ready for Spring By Gary Howey
A younger Gary Howey, Hartington, Nebraska with one of the two National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame Line-Class World Record catfish he took in Manitoba. (Outdoorsmen Productions Photo) Hard to...