by Gary Howey | Mar 9, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
It started; the other day, when the racket above was not hard to miss, as the skies filled with birds and their high-pitched quacks and the horse honks of Snow goose heading north into the Dakotas. Snow geese, which migrate in huge flocks are very vocal,...
by Gary Howey | Feb 14, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
The red line below my tungsten jig on my Vexilar locator rose up from the bottom slowly indicating a fish was moving up to my bait. Peering down into the clear water, I could see the perch moving up to the same level as my jig. I twitched my bait ever so...
by Gary Howey | Jan 10, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
With the weather as cold as it is, you may not be thinking about food plots and minerals licks. When in fact, this is the perfect time to think about them as this is the time of the year when it may be too cold to go ice...
by Gary Howey | Jan 3, 2018 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
Every year as the pheasant season progresses, pheasants become harder to locate and to get close enough for a decent shot. Younger birds have either learned from those pheasants taken during the early season with the older birds being more educated than...
by Gary Howey | Dec 27, 2017 | Gary’s Thoughts from the Field
I know it is hard to believe, but its December and the time of the year when people really start to think seriously about ice fishing. As soon as Thanksgiving is over, the phones in our office goes wild with people wondering where the ice is good enough...